
Amy W. Jeter, CPC is a Coding Specialist at Vidant Health in Washington, NC. She’s been with them for five years. We talked with Amy about coding, careers, certifications and more.
Do you use paper manuals or online encoders? I use both. I don’t have a preference. I started with the manuals and now mainly work with 3M Coder, but still refer to the manuals as needed or for clarifications.
What are your thoughts about specialty credentialing? I’m excited that the AAPC has added specialty credentialing. It’s a great opportunity to further your education and possibly your career. I started in general medicine, transferred to the emergency department and now work in oncology/hematology. I’m glad that they now have more options for continuing my training and education and I can become certified in my field of work.
Medical Coder Profile: Amy W. Jeter
Tell me about your experience with CodingCertification.org. What do you use them for? I really enjoy the forums. I like the interaction and discussions with other coders. We are able to share our knowledge and maybe even give insight to issues others may have questions on.
What do you like least/most about medical coding? I love coding! I love reading the doctors’ notes and seeing how they come to their conclusions. I’ve learned a lot about medicine by just reading patients’ symptoms and problems and then what the physician concludes their diagnosis to be. What I dislike about coding is sometimes you don’t get the proper information you need to complete your job and you have to become a “detective” – especially, if you have repeatedly told the same provider what they have to give you to complete your job and they still don’t comply.
Best advice for people getting started in their careers? Don’t put off getting your certifications. It doesn’t get any easier. Find a field that you love and excel in it. Don’t settle for “this will do” because it will get very old and you will not want to continue working in this field.
What are your future career goals? I’m currently studying for the CCS exam and am hoping to get certified before spring 2014. My ultimate goal is to work remotely from home, so that if my husband travels with his job I can grab my laptop and go with him.
What are your hobbies outside of work? Photography and watching my children play sports. My teenage son plays travel baseball, so we are always on the go with him for tournaments. And, my daughter cheers with an Allstar cheer squad. Her competitions start in the winter and go through the spring; we keep busy with her on, and his off months.
How does your personality help you in your job? My personality helps me because I’m not afraid to ask questions. In our line of work we can’t assume anything and we can’t make the final determinations for the providers. They have to tell us what they conclude. If it isn’t documented it didn’t happen. I tell our physicians and nurses this all the time.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself. I’m a perfectionist!! I hate making mistakes.
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